DispatcherTimer vs a regular Timer in WPF app for a task scheduler
Please, explain the difference between "DispatcherTimer" and "a regular Timer" that @Kent Boogaart meant for using in a multithreading WPF app as a task sheduler in this topic:
Advice needed for multi-threading strategy for WPF application
in the commentaries to one of the post (quote):
-If all the DispatcherTimer does is kick off another thread, what is the point of using the DispatcherTimer? ....those threads don't need to be started on the UI thread. You could just use a regular Timer and avoid interrupting the UI altogether
What is "a regular timer" that is meant? How they ("DispatcherTimer" and "a regular Timer") differ regarding their impact on UI?
(Until reading this post I thought about DispatcherTimer as a natural way of using timers in WPF. What is the cases when this is not true?)