
Flutter - Bottom Overflowed By 119 Pixels

I had an error "Bottom Overflowed by 199 pixel" when creating an Image inside the ListView, and after i google it, all of them suggest me to add:

resizeToAvoidBottomPadding: false

But, it doesnt work! The error is still there.

enter image description here

SafeArea widget is also doesnt solve the problem. Here is the short code version of my layout:

body: ListView(
         children:<Widget> [
           new Container(
             child: new Stack(
               children:<Widget> [
                 //THE WIDGET
                 new Container(), //THE BACKGROND IMAGE
                 new Positioned(
                   child: Column(
                         new Transform(),
                         new FadeTransition(),
                         new FadeTransition(),
                         new Row(),
                         //THE IMAGE THAT I WANT TO ADD
                         new Container(
                           height: 360.0
                           decoration: BoxDecoration(
                            image: DecorationImage(
                               image: Assetimage('lake.jpg)
 46  100481  46
1 Jan 1970



Use Scaffold property "resizeToAvoidBottomPadding: false" and "SingleChildScrollView" as parent of Scaffold body:

    home: Scaffold(
          resizeToAvoidBottomInset : false,
          appBar: AppBar(
            title: Text("Registration Page"),
          body: SingleChildScrollView(
            child: RegisterUserPage(),



put your contents in a SingleChildScrollView and add ConstrainedBox like this:

body :SingleChildScrollView(
        child: ConstrainedBox(
          constraints: BoxConstraints(),
            child: ListView(
         children:<Widget> [
           new Container(
             child: new Stack(
               children:<Widget> [
                 //THE WIDGET
                 new Container(), //THE BACKGROND IMAGE
                 new Positioned(
                   child: Column(
                         new Transform(),
                         new FadeTransition(),
                         new FadeTransition(),
                         new Row(),
                         //THE IMAGE THAT I WANT TO ADD
                         new Container(
                           height: 360.0
                           decoration: BoxDecoration(
                            image: DecorationImage(
                               image: Assetimage('lake.jpg)

This is may make your screen scrollable and adding constraint will make it finite scroll.
