How do I convert a Map[Int, Any] to a SortedMap in Scala? Or a TreeMap?
I would like to convert a Map[Int, Any]
to a SortedMap
or a TreeMap
. Is there an easy way to do it?
45 29172
I would like to convert a Map[Int, Any]
to a SortedMap
or a TreeMap
. Is there an easy way to do it?
An alternative to using :_*
as described by sblundy is to append the existing map to an empty SortedMap
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
val m = Map(1 -> ("one":Any))
val sorted = SortedMap[Int, Any]() ++ m
Assuming you're using immutable maps
val m = Map(1 -> "one")
val t = scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap(m.toArray:_*)
The TreeMap
companion object's apply method takes repeated map entry parameters (which are instances of Tuple2[_, _]
of the appropriate parameter types). toArray
produces an Array[Tuple2[Int, String]]
(in this particular case). The : _*
tells the compiler that the array's contents are to be treated as repeated parameters.