
How to install emacs colortheme

I found this website and downloaded the color-theme files. It says:

Put the file color-theme.el and the folder “themes” (with the files color-theme-example.el and color-theme-library.el) in a directory on your LoadPath.

and then I checked the load path website, which says:

To add a single directory to the load-path:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/")

My question is, where do I type this line? If I do M-x and then type, it complains add-to-list[No match].

By the way, I am using Emacs 23.2(9.0) on Mac, a GUI version. For the text version on terminal, I use black background seems fine, except the blue is too dark on black

 21  56769  21
1 Jan 1970



An answer for newbs like me!

In Emacs 24.5.1, on mac or linux the following will work.

The following command will create a folder called themes inside your .emacs.d folder (assuming one does not already exist)

mkdir ~/.emacs.d/themes/

Now tell emacs that you have installed a themes folder. In emacs open your .emacs file, by typing the following:

C-x C-f ;;;this opens a new .emacs file or creates one if it doesn't exist

Add the following line to your .emacs file:

(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/") 

Now copy your theme's '.el' file to your .emacs.d/themes/ directory. A good place to find custom themes is here:

Now load your custom theme by typing the following:

M-x customize-themes ;;;now press return

Your newly installed themes should appear on the list like so:

emacs *Custom Themes* buffer

Move your cursor to within the '[ ]' and press return to select that theme.

Enjoy emacs!




You can download Emacs 24 for Mac from here and Emacs 24 already has a built-in theming system. You can call it by M-x customize-themes and choose whatever themes you like. And you can find much more themes online. There is actually a quite nice theme called "solarized", you can use it both in GUI and command line.
