How to install emacs colortheme
I found this website and downloaded the color-theme files. It says:
Put the file color-theme.el and the folder “themes” (with the files color-theme-example.el and color-theme-library.el) in a directory on your LoadPath.
and then I checked the load path website, which says:
To add a single directory to the load-path:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/")
My question is, where do I type this line?
If I do M-x
and then type, it complains add-to-list[No match]
By the way, I am using Emacs 23.2(9.0) on Mac, a GUI version. For the text version on terminal, I use black background seems fine, except the blue is too dark on black