
How to pattern match large Scala case classes?

Consider the following Scala case class:

case class WideLoad(a: String, b: Int, c: Float, d: ActorRef, e: Date)

Pattern matching allows me to extract one field and discard others, like so:

someVal match {
    case WideLoad(_, _, _, d, _) => d ! SomeMessage(...)

What I would like to do, and what's more relevant when a case class has ~20 odd fields, is to extract only a few values in a way that does not involve typing out WideLoad(_, _, _, _, _, some, _, _, _, thing, _, _, interesting).

I was hoping that named args could help here, although the following syntax doesn't work:

someVal match {
    case WideLoad(d = dActor) => dActor ! SomeMessage(...)
    //              ^---------- does not compile

Is there any hope here, or am I stuck typing out many, many _, _, _, _?

EDIT: I understand that I can do case wl @ WideLoad(...whatever...) => wl.d, yet I'm still wondering whether there's even terser syntax that does what I need without having to introduce an extra val.

 45  11066  45
1 Jan 1970



I don't know if this is appropriate, but you can also build an object just to match that field, or that set of fields (untested code):

object WideLoadActorRef {
  def unapply(wl: WideLoad): Option[ActorRef] = { Some(wl.d) }

someVal match {
  case WideLoadActorRef(d) => d ! someMessage

or even

object WideLoadBnD {
  def unapplySeq(wl: WideLoad): Option[(Int,ActorRef)] = { Some((wl.b,wl.d)) }

someVal match {
  case WideLoadBnD(b, d) => d ! SomeMessage(b)



You can always fall back to guards. It's not really nice, but better than normal pattern matching for you monster case classes :-P

case class Foo(a:Int, b:Int, c:String, d:java.util.Date)

def f(foo:Foo) = foo match {
  case fo:Foo if fo.c == "X" => println("found")
  case _ => println("arrgh!")

f(Foo(1,2,"C",new java.util.Date())) //--> arrgh!
f(Foo(1,2,"X",new java.util.Date())) //--> found

That said I think you should rethink your design. Probably you can logically group some parameters together using case classes, tuples, lists, sets or maps. Scala does support nested pattern matching:

case class Bar(a: Int, b:String)
case class Baz(c:java.util.Date, d:String)
case class Foo(bar:Bar, baz:Baz)

def f(foo:Foo) = foo match {
   case Foo(Bar(1,_),Baz(_,"X")) => println("found")
   case _ => println("arrgh!")

f(Foo(Bar(1,"c"),Baz(new java.util.Date, "X"))) //--> found
f(Foo(Bar(1,"c"),Baz(new java.util.Date, "Y"))) //--> arrgh! 