Installing & using the Android NDK in Eclipse
I've been running the Android SDK for a while now in Eclipse (MAC OSX). I've downloaded the NDK and installed the C/C++ tools in Eclipse, but could anyone guide me on using the NDK? For example, do I just create an Android project like normal and build it with the NDK instead?
Really could do with a decent tutorial if anyone know of any.
EDIT: OK so I have the NDK installed now (I think) but does anyone have any idea how to use it? I got as far as this (taken from here):
Run Terminal
cd ~/android-ndk-1.5_r1
make APP=hello-jni
In order to run the hello-jni sample application, but I get an error in terminal saying:
Android NDK: APP variable defined to unknown applications: hellojni
Android NDK: You might want to use one of the following:
build/core/ *** Android NDK: Aborting . Stop.
Any ideas why?