java PrintCompilation output: what's the meaning of "made not entrant" and "made zombie"
When running a Java 1.6 (1.6.0_03-b05) app I've added the -XX:+PrintCompilation
flag. On the output for some methods, in particular some of those that I know are getting called a lot, I see the text made not entrant
and made zombie
What do these mean? Best guess is that it's a decompilation step before recompiling either that method or a dependency with greater optimisation. Is that true? Why "zombie" and "entrant"?
Example, with quite a bit of time between some of these lines:
[... near the beginning]
42 jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue::xfer (294 bytes)
[... much later]
42 made not entrant jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue::xfer (294 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::compareAndSwapObject
170 jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue::xfer (294 bytes)
170 made not entrant jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue::xfer (294 bytes)
4% jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue::xfer @ 29 (294 bytes)
171 jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue::xfer (294 bytes)
[... even later]
42 made zombie jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue::xfer (294 bytes)
170 made zombie jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue::xfer (294 bytes)
171 made not entrant jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue::xfer (294 bytes)
172 jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue::xfer (294 bytes)
[... no further logs]