
TestFlight public link doesn't accept new beta testers

I created a public link for a group of testers but the link shows: "This beta isn't accepting any new testers right now."

The build has been approved and I set the limit to 10 testers.

TestFlight Beta Group Public Link Options

Why is the public link not accepting new beta testers?

 46  17734  46
1 Jan 1970



Well, after writing this, I decided to check the build state and I noticed that the build was missing a step:

TestFlight Beta Group Build Notify Testers

After notifying the testers, the link now accepts new testers. The link shows: "To join the Mealcard beta, tap the link on your iPhone or iPad after you install TestFlight."

TestFlight Beta Group Build Notified




If, like I found, you're finding clicking "Notify Testers" still doesn't work as outlined in Ricardo's post, give it 10 minutes to propagate across Apple's networks.
